The Artist’s Process & TAP Interviews Updates!


Hi everyone!

Much has been happening on our shows The Artist’s Process & TAP Interviews!
We have new episodes coming up on both shows. For The Artist’s Process
We’re up to Season 4 Episode 14. We recently cast thru Breakdown Services.
261 Ladies submitted for the role, Including a lady who’s coach is a friend
from a few years back, that I met in an acting class.

Coming up on TAP Interviews is Music Expert Paul Maselli.
This is for Season 22 Episode 12. Paul has been on the show
before & is a proud member of the eZWay Family. The show airs
on Monday (9/9/24) at 6:00 pm PST.

Thanks to Eric Zuley the CEO of eZWay Network for helping both of our shows
to be on eZWay TV. Which has helped us immensely, giving us more exposure &

Also by doing it the eZWay I have been approached by a Top Talent agent.
They’re in the process of getting paid work for us as we speak.
They said they received a recommendation about me & find me
to be exceptional. I believe this is because I’m doing it the eZWay!

Well that about wraps up for this eZWay News Article.

Until the next…TAP

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