Automated Excellence Accelerator (AEA) Unveils Exciting Updates and Training Opportunities



After a refreshing Memorial Day Weekend spent with loved ones, the Automated
Excellence Accelerator (AEA) community reconvened for an electrifying Monday session, brimming with productivity and innovation.

During the session, attendees were treated to a plethora of enriching experiences,
including crucial updates, comprehensive overviews, and invaluable tech support.

The highlight of the evening, however, was the dynamic training session led by our esteemed CRM and Marketing Automations Trainer, Carlos Ruiz.

Looking ahead, AEA is thrilled to announce the appointment of Ron Saguin as our AI
Sales Trainer, set to commence on Monday, June 10th, and continue on June 17th.
With Ron’s expertise, participants can expect unparalleled insights and strategies to
elevate their sales game to unprecedented heights, profitably!

Reflecting on the session, AEA extends its heartfelt gratitude to all virtual attendees who contributed to the vibrant atmosphere of collaboration and learning.

Special recognition is bestowed upon individuals including Empress, The Business Goddess, Dr.Eric Zuley, Beverly Zeimet, Victoria Sanchez, Amy V, Wendy Weber, Susan Postnikoff, Frances, and Carlos’s VA, Christian. Your presence and participation are deeply appreciated!

Empowering our community with actionable insights and tools, AEA unveiled the
integration of Empress’s ezWay Wall of Fame, showcasing the seamless fusion of AEA
CRM and Marketing Automations. Curious individuals can explore the integration
firsthand by visiting the link provided and immersing themselves in the transformative potential of AEA’s offerings.

Furthermore, to facilitate continued growth and engagement, AEA has curated a
selection of supportive links, including access to an insightful survey, an illuminating
interview with Dr. Eric Zuley conducted by Carlos Ruiz, and an opportunity to join AEA’s
standard $99.00/month as your starter plan with us at QuickFire.

The valuable benefits:
1 on 1 onboarding session to assess your business needs, additional access to weekly
virtual office hours to support you further before and after Monday’s accelerated training and implementation sessions.

Plus, in-house industry experts and executive virtual assistance for a nominal monthly fee saving you value time and money!

However, we do offer higher premium plans and custom packages which we do request our AEA Executive Team to oversee when you seek to enroll into our high premium offer because we want to ensure it is suitable and affordable for your business needs and brand. These resources and our well-vetted connections serve as beacons guiding individuals on their journey towards success and fulfillment.

Access to the selection of supportive links is readily available within the Automated Excellence Accelerator (AEA) exclusive group on WhatsApp. To gain access to our private community is by virtually attending one of our Monday’s Training at 7:30 PM Pacific by pre-registering clicking here.

As AEA remains committed to excellence and innovation, we eagerly invite our community to share their constructive feedback to further enhance the quality and effectiveness of our training sessions. Your insights are invaluable as we strive to tailor our offerings to meet your evolving needs and aspirations.

With gratitude and thanksgiving, be sure to leave your comments below!

Join us on our journey of empowerment and transformation, as we continue to pioneer new horizons in the realm of automated excellence.

Be sure to join us every other Thursday at 4P Pacific at our ezWay Mega Pitch Party.

Register by going to

For media inquiries or further information, please contact:
Empress, TheBusinessGoddess on her ezWay Wall of Fame

About Automated Excellence Accelerator (AEA):
Automated Excellence Accelerator (AEA) is a pioneering community dedicated to
empowering individuals and businesses with cutting-edge strategies and tools in CRM, Marketing Automations, and AI Sales. Through transformative training sessions and ongoing support, AEA enables its members within the ezWay network and non-
ezWay’s members to thrive in the digital age and unleash their full potential into
profitable results!

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